Every year on 10th October is World Mental Health Day. This is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. For the past two years, Peterborough United Foundation have worked in partnership with CPFT and official Peterborough United Charity of the Year, Peterborough and Fenland Mind in delivering football sessions for players who have experienced poor mental health.
These sessions take place every Wednesday afternoon from 2pm – 3pm at the Grange in Netherton and players of all abilities are welcome. For more information on these sessions please email foundation@theposh.com.
As part of raising awareness for World Mental Health Day, goalkeeper Ben Alnwick visited the session and took part in a match and also answered questions for the players.
Ben said: “It was a really good fun session and the links between physical health and mental health are there to be seen. I always feel good in a strange way after training, the legs can be heavy and although I can be physically tired I always feel better mentally having exercised. It’s definitely a perk of being a footballer as we have to keep ourselves in shape but we probably take that element of our jobs for granted. Everybody should be able to find time to exercise for at least half an hour a day, even if it’s just a walk around the village or town and I think people would definitely notice the difference."
For more information on local activities around World Mental Health Day, please visit pfmind.org.uk.
These sessions take place every Wednesday afternoon from 2pm – 3pm at the Grange in Netherton and players of all abilities are welcome. For more information on these sessions please email foundation@theposh.com.
As part of raising awareness for World Mental Health Day, goalkeeper Ben Alnwick visited the session and took part in a match and also answered questions for the players.
Ben said: “It was a really good fun session and the links between physical health and mental health are there to be seen. I always feel good in a strange way after training, the legs can be heavy and although I can be physically tired I always feel better mentally having exercised. It’s definitely a perk of being a footballer as we have to keep ourselves in shape but we probably take that element of our jobs for granted. Everybody should be able to find time to exercise for at least half an hour a day, even if it’s just a walk around the village or town and I think people would definitely notice the difference."
For more information on local activities around World Mental Health Day, please visit pfmind.org.uk.